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Mount Martin Tropicals Nursery

Our nursery is Always fully stocked with 200+ varieties of fruit trees, ranging from tropical, subtropical and rare exotics, Depending on the variety of tree we have Grafted, Marcots, Cuttings and Seedling Trees, All Trees Have a well Established Root system ready to be Planted

What makes us different to other Nursery's?

Our trees come from within Queensland only meaning they are 100% climate ready for the Mackay region. We are very selective on which suppliers we use and we work in closely with them to assure the correct rootstocks are used to suite our region. We also use microbial based fertilisers and seaweed on our trees which results in them being healthy and happy and lowers transplant shock dramatically.

Our nursery is located just a short 40 minute scenic drive North of Mackay.

Address: 1086 Mount Martin Loop Rd, Mount Martin QLD 4754
Open from 9am to 4pm, Saturday and Sunday​​​, Weekdays by appointment only
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