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Burdekin Plum

Pleiogynium timorense


Burdekin Plum is Native tropical rainforest tree. Produces plum like fruits that can be eaten raw, or made into wines and jellies, exceptionally hardy tree , flowering usually occurs between January and march and harvest in winter 


Harvest the fruits when they start to show signs of ripening, do not eat them straight away as they are hard and acidic straight off the tree and need to be stored for a few days to become ripe


Burdekin Plum

  • Harvest Time

    July to September

  • Sun Exposure

    Full sun to partial shade
  • Height

  • Pollination

    Self pollinating
  • Frost Tolerance

    Light Frost

  • Amount of Leaves in Winter

    All leaves - Evergreen

  • Grown from


  • Time to fruit

    2-3 years

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