Eugenia brasiliensis
The Orange Grumichama is a rare and beautiful tropical fruit tree that’s Native to Brazil, this variety produces small, bright orange fruits that resemble cherries in appearance. Their flavor is a delightful blend of sweet and tangy, often compared to a mix of cherry and apricot, with a hint of citrus. The juicy flesh surrounds a single seed and is perfect for eating fresh, making jams, or adding to desserts. the trees are evergreen and grow into compact, bushy trees that are also highly ornamental, with glossy green leaves and small white flowers that attract pollinators. They thrive in warm, humid climates and are well-suited to the local conditions here.
Grumichama - Orange
Harvest Time
october to january
Sun Exposure
Full sunHeight
Self pollinatingFrost Tolerance
Occasional frost, prefers temps above 5 deg
Amount of leaves in Winter
All leaves - Evergreen
Grown from
Suitability in Pots
YES, 35L plus
Time to Fruit
4 - 5 years